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Thinktool Osciloscopio

Thinktool Osciloscopio


Analog channels: 4 channels

100 MHz bandwidth that guarantees attenuation-free capture of all car signals.

Up to 1GSa/s sampling rate (one channel) with a sampling depth of 50 Mpts

Max. Voltage 300 V RMS, 400 Vpk

Integrated CAN signal and local interconnection network (LIN) decoding

Includes special menu for diagnostics of automotive components.

Exclusive use with THINKTOOL tools and Android operating system.

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The Thinkcar oscilloscope is a tool that is specifically designed for automotive professionals that allows you to intuitively analyze different waveforms and discover faults in sensors, actuators, circuits and electronic control units, which saves time in diagnosing the oscilloscope. vehicle and reduces unnecessary parts replacement costs. This tool is equipped with four channels, has a bandwidth of 100MHz and a sampling rate of 1Gs/s. Easy handling thanks to its specific preset menu for automotive tests: Actuators, sensors, ignition, communication networks, charging and starting system, etc.